Greens Today

Don’t frown you you hear the word “greens”. You should not despair! Greens contain vital nutrients and therefore many health benefits. Regular consumption boosts bone health, improves the liver function and digestion. They, just like other good foods, can help prevent cancer, improve sleep and enhance hair and skin health.

When you talk greens, there are many choices that build upon the Southern Mustard, Collard, and Turnip greens. The secret is in the pot liquor. You can include Kale, Spinach and Dandelion. But, I do admit that I was once skittish about including Bok Choy and Arugula in this category; yet, now I believe in them just as much as I believe in Cabbage (pickled to Sauerkraut, lightly seasoned and tenderized by boiling) and pickled Grape Leaves. Let’s not forget Swiss Chard and Broccoli Raab.

We could literally continue this conversation for a long while, but the end result would be, let’s cook it. We’ll season it and you will see. You will develop a taste for good greens.

To end things on a high note: You will be doing something loving for yourself by eating some every week. They are low in calories and high in nutrients besides being low in fat and sodium. Every bite is packed with vitamin A & C, calcium and folate and fiber.

Get with it! Get a group of friends together and cook it up!


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